All O.M.H.A. rules governing hockey shall apply, with the following additions:
- If any player or team official receives one or more of the following they will immediately be suspended from the tournament: * fighting Major, Gross Misconduct, Game Misconduct, Match Penalty.
- The referees are sole judges of all goals.
- All games will be two ten minute and one fifteen stop time periods (except AAA- one ten minute and two fifteen minute stop periods) However,when any team is ahead by five or more goals in the third period the game will proceed under straight time unless the gap is reduced to three goals, at which point the clock will revert back to stop time. The only time the clock would be stopped during straight time is if an on ice injury should occur. All penalties are running time remain the same length as stop time (minor = 2 min & major = 5 min).
- There will be no time outs permitted and no overtime played until after the completion of the round-robin format.
- After round-robin, each team is permitted ONE 30 second time out per game.
- All overtime will be 5 minute sudden victory period of "3 on3" hockey followed by a shootout See Rule #13
- Each team must have a certified trainer. If for some legitimate reason a team is without a trainer, for a game, they may use the other team's trainer with that team's permission They must also inform the referee's for that game and noted on Gamesheet.
- All other matters will be dealt with by the Tournament Committee and their decision will be final.
- A player will be allowed to play for one team only during the tournament.
- Before the start of each game, two minutes will be put on the time clock and the clock will start running when the Zamboni has left the ice. When the clock reaches zero, the game will begin.
- Scheduled game times are approximate. Extra time is built into the schedule so you must be ready to play fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled game time.
- If a player requires additional support to meet their individual needs over and above proactive efforts to remove barriers to inclusive participation, the player has the right to seek accommodations from the Minor Hockey Association. The Minor Hockey Association, once receiving the accommodation request in writing, either directly from the player or from the player’s parent(s)/guardian(s), is required to meet and work collaboratively with a player to find an appropriate and equivalent option. This may include utilizing a pre-existing Dressing Room or an appropriate and equivalent changing area if required if the facility has limited number of Dressing Rooms. Reference: (Hockey Canada 2024-02-01)
- Shootout is a best of 3, shooters must be selected prior to the game ( circled on Gamesheet) with alternating shots and the "home" team going first. If after three shooters the game is still tied, shootout continues with alternating shots until one team leads after a round. Shooters may not repeat until all skaters have been used (Goalies cannot be used). Any player ejected from the game may not return for the shootout.
Revised November 2024