About the Tournament
Our Tournament History
The Tournament began in 1958-59 as a one-day, eight-team affair for Pee Wees. With the introduction of play-downs for this group by the OMHA, the tournament was changed to Novice level, and eventually adopted the name "Atom" in 1974 as a result of OMHA changes to age groupings. For the first 11 years, the tournament was held in mid-March under the chairman Neil Clark. In the fall of 1969, a group headed by Jack Guerin, Lloyd Hardy, Dan Dorsett, and Howie Eastman approached the League Executive with a proposal to change the Tournament to a two-day 16 team event. The tournament has continued to grow over the years and currently averages 100 Atom teams each year. Tournament proceeds have lowered the costs of hockey for thousands of local minors hockey players, and in addition have assisted dozens of local/national charities and capital projects such as the Evinrude Centre, Kinsman Civic Centre, and the Peterborough Regional Health Centre. All will attest to our motto: "Not just a hockey tournament...It's a community affair"
In the past 60 years, some fantastic hockey players have laced up for the Peterborough Liftlock Atom Hockey tournament. There are a select few who have gone on to have outstanding careers. Here are the six hockey greats to lace up in the Atom Liftlock tournament.6) John Vanbiesbrouck
5) Eric Lindros
4) Mickey Redmond
3) Steve Larmer
2) Bob Gainey
1) Wayne Gretzky
We are proud of our past, and excited about the furure of hockey!
PLAHT Tournament Committee